In stock

3.778 x 0.875 Flat Top Piston


Complete assemblies include the piston, rings, pin, and spiroloxs.

3.778 x 0.875 Flat Top Piston

0.028" Over Stock (3.750" Bore)

This flat top piston has a 0.875" compression height and uses spiroloxs.

The lightweight tool steel wrist pin has a wall thickness of 0.090" and a diameter of 0.875".

The piston features the modern lightweight short skirt.

Equipped with a Conventional 2-Ring Set - Ring Package: 0.95mm, 2.0mm.

Complete assembly weight: 339 grams

Piston weight: 257grams.

The piston is designed and clearanced for a 3.778" bore.

Complete assemblies include the piston, rings, pin, and spiroloxs.

Custom forged lightweight racing pistons by Arias.

website by Imagine This! Marketing Group

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